September 5th, 2024
Write-in candidate filing deadline
September 26th, 2024
Early voting / Vote by mail begins
November 5th, 2024
Primary election
Tony believes that it is her duty as an elected official is to serve every constituent she represents. Illinois has seen enough politicians who continuously propose and pass legislation that unethically and selfishly serves themselves and their re-elections. It is more important than ever to eliminate conflicts of interest, corruption, and unethical behavior. Tony works to rebalance the power within the government, by empowering the citizens of Illinois. Tony McCombie has sponsored and co-sponsored several pieces of legislation to bring accountability and transparency.
As your State Representative, Tony is humbled to serve and will continue to fight for structural and political reforms that will build up and grow Illinois.
Today’s crime wave has enveloped many of our major cities and is reaching our local communities. Our number one goal in government is to protect the people we serve. We must empower the law enforcement community by providing them the tools to get violent offenders off the streets. We need to combine resources with a plan to protect victims and address the root causes.
Rather than placing blame, we must talk and work together with our colleagues across the aisle, advocates and the men and women serving in the field. Tony is a member of the Judiciary-Criminal committee, Restorative Justice committee, and the Public Safety & Violence Prevention Task Force. Tony will work to find ways to solve problems that will make our state the best place to live, work and play.
The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed to us by not only the US Constitution, but the Illinois Constitution as well. Legislation used to heavily regulate, and control gun purchases infringes upon your Second Amendment right. Chicago politicians chip away the rights of law-abiding gun owners, passing some of the toughest gun laws in the Nation, when they should be concentrating on those that are illegally using firearms to commit crimes.
Tony is a proud member of the Sportsman Caucus, the NRA, the Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA), and several gun and sport clubs. As a proud FOID card carrier and having a conceal carry license, Tony will continue to fight to protect the Second Amendment rights of people across Illinois.
Farmland covers 75% of the state of Illinois. Agriculture is the largest economic driver in the state and feeds families around the world. Tony tours area farms to learn about the day-to-day operations to get an understanding how policy and regulations coming from the state and federal government effects how they produce goods.
With change, comes many challenges in work force, industry consolidation, evolving technology and overall goals to protect our natural resources. Tony will continue to work with leaders around the state to lessen burdensome regulations on Illinois’ farmers so that they have the independence to operate successfully.
A successful economy requires a well-educated and well-rounded workforce. Tony supports fully funding our schools with the evidence-based funding formula. Expanding and promoting vocational opportunities will ensure our children can continue their education after high school. As a member of the Elementary & Secondary Education: Curriculum & Policies committee Tony has kept her promise to educators to vote against unfunded mandates and support local control within our school districts.
The State Legislature has not followed the constitutional mandate of fully funding education. Illinois has short changed school districts forcing them to raise property taxes. This is bad public policy, and a reason Illinois now has some of the highest property taxes in the nation. High property taxes are regressive, hurt our growth, our middle-class families, and hurt our local businesses. Tony will hold the legislature accountable to provide adequate for all schools across the State to provide teachers the resources they need to educate our kids.
Tony will continue to work with local businesses and leaders to promote and create opportunities for Northwest Illinois. When we recognize and use the state’s strengths, we can create jobs across Illinois. Our abundant natural resources, infrastructure and Midwest location gives us an opportunity that we are not capitalizing on as a state.
As a small business owner, Tony understands that burdensome taxes, increasing regulations, anti-business legislation and practices hurt our economic growth. We have the skilled work force needed to compete in our ever-changing economy. Combine our strengths with sound economic policies and our state will be open for business, creating stable employment and good wages for everyone. Tony will continue to support and draft legislation that will grow our local and state economy.
Government conveniently has forgotten that the money they are spending comes from hard working Illinoisians. Government needs to live by the same standards our families do… We cannot spend more money than we have, and the people have said NO MORE with the failure of the progressive tax on the 2020 ballot.
Tony has not supported unbalanced state budgets, tax increases or legislator pay increases. Tony understands that decades of reckless spending, borrowing, sweeping agency funds, shortchanging education and pension payments has brought us to this place today. Failures to address inefficiencies in government agencies, projects and programs will continue to lead to bloated budgets and reduced services.
Tony firmly believes in a common sense and transparent budgeting approach. Open the budget process to all, compared to crafting behind closed doors and sending to the house and senate floor for a vote in the final hours of the legislative session.